Shiloh Blog - Question #3
Blog Question #3: When Marty sees Judd kill a doe out of season, he uses this information to blackmail Judd into letting him keep Shiloh. As you know, Marty is an animal lover; he does not want to see any animals hurt. Although Marty is happy to keep Shiloh as a pet, he also feels guilty because he thinks that he is now putting other deer in danger. “He kills this one out of season,” Marty thinks, “he’ll figure maybe he can kill some more.” We call this a “moral dilemma.”
In many countries, blackmail is a crime punishable by a fine
or imprisonment. What would you have
done in Marty’s situation? Would you
report Judd to the game warden? Would
you keep the information to yourself in order to keep Shiloh away from
Judd? Do you think Marty made the right
decision? Please explain your answer in
at least three complete sentences.