Thursday, December 12, 2019

Shiloh Blog - Question #3

Blog Question #3:  When Marty sees Judd kill a doe out of season, he uses this information to blackmail Judd into letting him keep Shiloh.  As you know, Marty is an animal lover;  he does not want to see any animals hurt.  Although Marty is happy to keep Shiloh as a pet, he also feels guilty because he thinks that he is now putting other deer in danger.  “He kills this one out of season,” Marty thinks, “he’ll figure maybe he can kill some more.”  We call this a “moral dilemma.” 

In many countries, blackmail is a crime punishable by a fine or imprisonment.   What would you have done in Marty’s situation?  Would you report Judd to the game warden?  Would you keep the information to yourself in order to keep Shiloh away from Judd?  Do you think Marty made the right decision?  Please explain your answer in at least three complete sentences.

Reminder:  Please post your comment with your first name only under "Name" and leave "URL" blank.  Please use proper English and avoid “text speak.”

Monday, December 9, 2019

Shiloh - Blog Question #2

We talked in class about Marty's "web of lies."  He is lying to Judd Travers, to his sister, to David Howard and his mother, and even to his parents.  In the book, Marty says, "A lie don't seem a lie anymore when it's meant to save a dog."

Is it okay to tell a lie when you are trying to help someone or something?  Or do you think that it is NEVER okay to tell a lie?  Do you have any examples of when it might be okay to lie?  Do you have any examples of how a lie might get you in to even MORE trouble?

Once you have typed your entry, please submit using "Name/URL."  Type in your first name only. 

Remember to write at least 3-5 sentences, and to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  If you are unable to complete this assignment on the internet, please use either paper and pencil or type your response.  If you choose to respond to someone else's post, please be respectful of other students' thoughts and opinions.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Shiloh - Blog Question #1

Marty keeps Shiloh in a pen on his own property, even though he knows that Shiloh belongs to Judd Travers.  How do you feel about this?  Isn't this considered stealing?  Do you think Marty made the right choice?  Explain.

Your response should be a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences.  Please pick one choice;  do not write that you "can't decide" or you think "his choice is both right and wrong."  

Once you have typed your entry, please submit using "Name/URL."  Type in your first name only.  Please remember to be respectful of other people's opinions and to use correct grammar.  Please, no "text speak."